Thomas Stanley’s daughter, Sarah Fallaw, published a new book full of completely updated wisdom about finance and the strategies that truly make someone wealthy? Naturally, because she is the daughter of the highly regarded author of The Millionaire Next Door, Thomas Stanley, I had to give it …and I begged Fallaw for a couple of free copies. Just because high income people make a ton of money, it doesn’t always mean that they’re building actual fortunes. The Millionaire Next Door cautions us against being deceived by outward displays of financial wealth. Rather, it teaches us that the average millionaire most likely lives a humble existence in the house next door.

Through years of research, the book proves that wealthy people aren’t necessarily driving around in expensive cars, living in Amazon-sized homes and shopping for $1,000 purses and wallets.

It's no secret that my favorite book about financial independence and building serious wealth is The Millionaire Next Door by Dr.